Problems for 2020 are out!

Is there a better way to wait for the next host than working on the IPT problems? We are sure the IPT lovers will agree that no.

Earlier this month the new 17 open problems involving experimental and theoretical challenges were published on our website, and you can check them out here or in the preview below.


This year, we added a new statement about how the IPT problems were thought of and how the solutions are expected to be: open-ended, such as the problems themselves.

All the problems, to stimulate a good discussion, have been formulated as open physics questions. That’s why the statement is never too stringent and it is assumed that every phenomenon will be studied both theoretically and experimentally (when possible) with dependence on all the most relevant parameters. More than that, there is not any general understanding of the task condition. If your interpretation of a certain problem condition corresponds to the written one and is interesting enough and your investigation is challenging and broad – the jury members will most likely award you with the nice marks. Surely, your team is not expected to spend years on every problem. So you should carefully consider your time budget and choose the most important and interesting parameters to study together with doing your best on both the theoretical model and experimental confirmation.


In addition, any questions we receive from the teams that can be relevant for other participants too will be published in the 2020’s problem section.

This year’s problems are a result of a collaboration from teams all over the world and were selected according to the IPT rules and IOC voting submitted in the stipulated period.

While we wait to announce where the IPT 2020 will take place: let’s get to work!

Problems for 2020 are out!
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